Triboard Policies Unsafe and Unfair To Local Children

I am a parent of a 5 year old little boy. Currently he attends Fairfield Public School in Amherstview, Ontario. We recently moved here and since doing so and switching schools , I have discovered Triboard Student Transportation Services Inc. wants my son and I to walk 1.6kms (1mile) to get to his new school and back. This is absurd and I demand a change! Pedophiles(happens more and more ), Animals (unleashed dogs) Weather Conditions (temperatures , freezing rain) Road Conditions (slippery roads, fast drivers)Health Conditions of the Parents and Caregivers (pregnant, sick, disabled) Health Conditions of the students(Broken bones) Unmaintained sidewalks (ice & snow, cracks and holes) and Roads without sidewalks are just examples of reasons why this is completely unsafe and unfair. Please sign here, if you are a concerned parent of a child who walks to school in the following Areas Limestone District School Board, Hastings and Prince Edward County School Board or the Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board which all deal with TriBoard Student Transportation Services Inc for busing. If you are anyone else, wishing to show support thank you & please sign as well. We need all the help we can get!!!