Travelers Incursion Must Stop
David Jones 0

Travelers Incursion Must Stop

453 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
David Jones 0 Comments
453 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Last week our wonderful Cannon Hill Common was again invaded by an illegal traveller encampment. The mess that they left has been considerable – the amount of fly-tipping that was dumped is infuriating.

Time and time again Labour-led-Merton Council have promised to do more and still the incursions happen as they do nothing. But there is an answer.

In 2015 Harlow Council and Essex County Council were successfully granted a High Court blanket injunction banning illegal traveller incursion onto designated land under section 222 Local Government Act 1972 along with Section 187b Town & Country Planning Act 1990.

Instead of having to react to traveller incursions, Labour-led-Merton Council have the legal means to outlaw them before they happen.

By establishing this blanket traveller ban, the Council will be tackling the real concerns raised by Merton residents and businesses and the disruption to people’s lives and livelihoods as a result of damage to public spaces, fly-tipping, human waste and antisocial behaviour - while also saving the Merton taxpayer a considerable amount of money.

Please join our campaign for the Council to adopt this policy and apply for a blanket-injunction to protect all of the Boroughs greenspaces – including Cannon Hill Common!


Promoted by David Jones on behalf of Wimbledon Conservatives, both of 3 Summerstown, London, SW17 0BQ

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