Trap, Neuter and Return

Community Cats of Palm Coast is a grassroots organization of compassionate residents concerned about the large number of feral cats who are struggling to survive in our community. For years the city of Palm Coast has pursued a strategy of trapping cats and having them routinely euthanized at taxpayers' expense. It has been said that you can judge a society by how it treats its most vulnerable members. Community Cats of Palm Coast does not accept that systematically killing cats is the way to manage an animal population. There is a humane, fiscally responsible and effective protocol being followed in communities across the country, including Jacksonville and other cities in Northern Florida, that will work here in Palm Coast. It is called Trap, Neuter and Return. Community Cats of Palm Coast is dedicated to promoting the practice of TNR and working with other animal welfare organizations to improve the quality of life for feral cats in our area.