Translink Fails Persons with disabilities

The things on the bus that happed to me are lifts not working bus drivers not wanting to do there jobs. Buses being full and tie downs not hooking on properly to the my wheelchair. I almost banged my head twice and i did bang my head once and someone triped over me when the driver did not lift up the seats. mom and i have been dealing with the same problems for a number of years. the bus drivers said that the bus is full when it was not full. there are only 51% of the bus stop in lowermainland are able for me to use 49% are not wheelchair freindly why do i have to wait 31 years to use all the bus stops in the lowermain land. when you guys get all the bus stops fixed for me i will be 49 years old why do i have to wait that long handydart will not go on school property because that do not have the flashing lights like school buses, they can drop people off at college but not high schools.why does my education matter to you guys why can i not go to the transitsion program and get a job like my famliy,freinds I have a right to be independent as well as my other freinds. i am upset that you guys have not fixed the problems yet. please fix the problems before they get out of your reaches. Me and my mom we took the tour. where do you guys train the drivers and the repair guys because they didn't show us where train people for wheelchair lifts. why do you guys send the buses on the route with a broken wheelchair lifts why do the drivers not helpwhy are they leaving me at the bus stop i can not get up the hil that goes to my house.why do you guys allow stollers the block the wheelchair spots daniel yanko IMPORTANT:If you wish to be kept informed of any progress type a * infront of you email address on the petiton. ie) *translinkfailspwd@live.ca UPDATE: Letter to Port Moody Nov 2, 2009 Ms. Simmons I sent an email to you on June 26, 2009 regarding accessible bus stops in Port Moody. I explained in that email not only what my son, Daniel has been through but I also attached a letter from Simon Fraser Society for Community Living. I did send out a letter to all 19 municipalities in Metro Vancouver regarding accessible bus stops on June 26, 2009 and to my surprise Port Moody is the only municipality that has not responded to that email. I did however want to take the opportunity to thank the City of Port Moody for acknowledging the necessity of an accessible bus stop at Heritage Woods Secondary to which my son had many disappointing experiences. Bus stop #58888 has now been upgraded to an accessible bus stop. I want to take this opportunity to say thank you. Persons with disabilities need regular access to public transportation to their schools, places of employment, and leisure activities. Reliable, safe, fully accessible public transportation provides people who live with disabilites with much more than just a physcial method of travel. It also represents independence and personal dignity. Daniel and I did participate in Port Moodys Measuring Up Project. As such we have been invited to Afternoon Tea on November 4th to conclude Port Moodys Measuring Up Program. I am hoping that attending will give me and my assoiciates some indication of Port Moodys future plan towards making Port Moody bus stops more accessible for persons with disabilities. However as I did indicate in my email it is my intention in the very near future to go before council to further discuss this issue. As Port Moody has not given any indication as of yet to all the people in their municipality who require this system to work for them. What plan the muncipality has in place to ensure that all new bus stops within Port Moody will be to an accessible standards at the time of construction and what plan the municipality has in place to upgrade existing bus stops to accessible standards. It appears to me that the City of Port Moody bases service demands on input from transit operators and/or complaints from transit users. I would like to point out to the City of Port Moody that although that system seems feasible to you, it would not be to someone that needs that system to work for them now .Not tomorrow or in six months time. When the City, CMBC and Translink get organized enough to upgrade their one needed bus stop it is already too late, the system has already failed them. I want to point out that the City of Port Moody is dening access to persons with disabilites according to the Canada Charter of Rights. I look forward to hearing Port Moodys future plans. Thank you once again for your time in this matter. Kimberley & Daniel Yanko Legislation A GUIDE TO THE CANADIAN HUMAN RIGHTS ACT All individuals should have an opportunity equal with other individuals to make for themselves the lives that they are able and wish to have and to have their needs accommodated, consistent with their duties and obligations as members of society. Section 2 of the Act Accessibility The Canadian Human Rights Act recognizes that persons with disabilities must have access to premises, services and facilities We want to hear your stories translinkfailspwd@live.ca We the undersigned recognize that Translink has a commitment to providing a fully accessible public transportation system and so anticipate their efforts to remove and rectify all existing barriers that limit access and safety for all people.