Transition Parentage from DGW to TJW of sweet LDW

This is an attempt to not overwhelm the court with my 76 declarations.
This petition isn't meant to harass or humiliate. Mental health and alcoholism are some of the leading health crises in our country and unfortunately due to an untruthful lawyer, a child has been put in harm's way and a mother and father suffer in different ways. This lawyer ignored all attempts at mediation, counselling, apps to connect with the child, and fun visits. He has done wrong by his client and has ruined my life by lying on the stand and perjuring himself. Many of you have been aware of the predicament either via emails, texts or simply what you have heard. I urge you, if you have seen anything worrisome before my takeover in August and from July 20 to now please sign. Only sign if you have seen anything. No hearsay or "I think I saw him". I need clear visuals, clear reports, clear evidence for the courts. I understand that there is a road to recovery for the father and I love him so and wish him well but should you have seen him anywhere near me/us, violence, drinking, drinking and driving, or doing any illegal behavior please sign.
I am not including an image due to the protection and privacy of the child and father, hence why I am not naming names. This will only be sent to individuals who have reported my issues or sightings.
Again, I know how many of you are so very shocked at what happened but lawyers do lie. Please ONLY sign, not because you feel this was unjust but if you are truly concerned. I'm sorry for the strictness and the privacy but I feel everyone is detailed to their own privacy and I do not feel this would help things if I were to name names. Please refer to names such as mother, father, mom, dad, child, son, grandma, grandpa, and please refrain from naming any names or listing violent or sexual offenses. I will turn these is with the declarations should the court enjoy them.
Thank you and have a great holiday season.