Eddie Garcia 0

Transforming the City of Lawrence Mass.

33 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Eddie Garcia 0 Comments
33 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

The time has come to transform Lawrence, Ma., from a disease-stricken city run by inept, incompetent, illicit and unqualified elected officials and public city employees.

I am not going to list names, but we are all confidently aware of who they are. For the record, there are a handful and perhaps dozens of Lawrence-area elected officials and city employees who follow the law, are respectful, do an excellent job, are disgusted with what is going on but fear the [what do they have to call that guy in North Korea] "The Great Leader" or something ridiculous like that, retaliating, towing their private vehicles, getting tickets, etc, etc.

The leader conductor of the diseased train is William Lantigua. A man who is clearly unqualified to hold office, a man who has amassed so many questions of ethics, morals, integrity, following US law, appearances of conflict and improprieties, favoritism, nepotism, wanton disrespect for law, and an array of other acts that taint and cloud a proud city with a long history of hard-working residents and citizens. Along with Lantigua is a myriad of city employees and staff, some of whom, are still on the taxpayer-funded payroll but have not worked for months, among the city employees are those who take calls from citizens and ridicule the caller, hang up, or put on terminal hold with the hopes the caller will get frustrated and hang up. The Lawrence City Charter specifically calls for the authority of the city council to remove the city clerk and city attorney. Why hasn't this duly elected body, representative of the people (voters) of Lawrence done so? Section 10.10 of the charter spells out the process to change the city charter. I urge every legal citizen, resident of Lawrence to demand their city councilor, by district or at-large to begin that process so when the year ending in ZERO (0) approaches, the process is underway and ready for a change toward prosperity and out of purgatory.


Since WIlliam Lantigua and his underlings have already published, or made public, illegally perhaps or at least in poor taste, the citizens who have had it with corruption and poor leadership, these law-abiding citizens have been put in fear of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Exercising one's right to speak out against a tyrant, a dictator an unqualified public official should not be met with the acts perpetrated by William Lantigua. An elected public official should exude and act with professionalism, integrity and proper decorum. Other than that, what kind of example is the elected leader/official setting for children? With the obvious tactics employed by William Lantigua and his co-horts of retaliating against those who believe Lantigua is not qualified, they are in fear to make public their names. This petition will honor their anonymity and emphasize that right. Sign this petition as you see fit and let it be known that the anonymous signature or name means the same value as if the identity is displayed, but with the tactics of William Lantigua, similar to what tyrants and dictators do in 3rd world countries and those under undemocratic foundations, I applaud you for signing this petition under whatever name you desire and LET YOUR TRUE IDENTITY AND VOICE BE HEARD WHEN YOU VOTE WILLIAM LANTIGUA OUT OF CITY HALL and perhaps, with God's blessing, OUT OF LAWRENCE, MA. SIGNED, EDDIE GARCIA UNITED STATES CITIZEN AND SON OF LAWRENCE, MA.


eddie garcia eddievsongs@gmail.com


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