Cheaper Weekend Train Travel

We the undersigned call on the rail operator to accept that the value of train travel at weekends with track maintenance, delays, less staff and easier to go by road thus removing the trains reliability advantage over driving a car. We call upon the company to recognise this fact and lower ticket prices on saturdays and especially sundays where travel is already incredibly hard for many outside london where buses and so on aren't so frequent and so getting back late also means an increased cost in taxi fares etc. This would be an excellent piece of publicity in terms of allowing the customers who travel at weekends to save money thus helping out students and people visiting home a lot. As well as easing things off for week-working commuters. Also the positive impact on the environment of less people taking cars at weekends if the reduction is significant enough. Also looking good in a time of recession, while still not harming profits in fact possibly helping them as many people prefer to travel in cars at weekends for economic reasons of less traffic, cheaper/free parking etc and thus may be more likely to take the train. Thank-you for your time. The undersigned.