Traffic Calming In Blidworth

To put an end to road traffic accidents and tragic
losses of family, friends and pets. Mansfield Road is well known for
accidents and more uncommonly fatalities. Signing this petition would
hopefully put families with young drivers, pets and children's minds at
rest, and more importantly make the road alot safer for drivers and
pedestrians who use the road on a day-to-day basis. Young drivers who
have only been driving for a short period of time, used Warsop Lane
(Rainworth) and now Mansfield Road (Blidworth) as a race track,
concluding in road traffic accidents, or worse, death. I feel this
petition would be a big change for Blidworth and people living on
Mansfield Road will not have to fear crossing the road. A young girl was
hit by a car on Warsop Lane (Rainworth) in 2008, which resulted in
speed bumps along the road, in which now the road is alot safer and
accidents are very uncommon. My aim is to get 10,000+ signatures and hopefully put an end to this.