Town of Corinth public high way and trail usage
Petition of legal voters of the Town of Corinth Vermont to the legislative body.
We the legal voters of the Town of Corinth hereby petition the Corinth Selectboard to add the
following article(s) to the warning for the Town of Corinth annual meeting on March 9 2021,
although an earlier date will be requested.
1. Shall the town of Corinth Under the authority of 24 V.S.A. Chapter 59, 24 V.S.A.
§2291(4), and 23 V.S.A. §3510 make ATV operation legal within the boundaries of
Corinth on public highways and trails
2. A) This Ordinance shall become effective 60 days after its adoption by the Corinth
Selectboard and
3. shall supersede and replace all previous ordinance regulating the time, manner, and
location of operation of ATV's.
4. B) If a petition is filed under 24 V.S.A. §1973, that statute shall govern the effective date
of the Ordinance.
Must be a Registered Corinth Voter to sign!