Resignation of the Bateson Family From TUFC.
We the undersigned call for the immediate resignation of Mike Bateson and the removal of other Bateson/Hancox family members that currently hold positions within TUFC. As we belive that for the club to move forward next season you must all resign immediately. Whilst we where intially grateful for your efforts, particularly in connection with activites early on in your tenure with regards to your efforts with the Taylor report ect. we now hold entirely you responsable for the clubs current position and state. We are aware that you were not responsable for the last Chairman (Chris Roberts) actions but you were totaly responsable for placing him in that position with out researching his suitability for the post sufficently and as such are indirectly responsable for the events that followed. We wish you to know that the attitude of "we are lucky to be where we are" or "we are currently punching above our weight" or "what is the point of being in this league" is no longer acceptable to the genuine supporters of TUFC.