Tony Marques Performing in the Phoenix Metropolitin Area
I get inquiries on a daily basis from great friends and supporters in the Phoenix Metropolitan area asking when I will be performing down that way again? The inquiries and friendly comments are greatly appreciated and I can honestly say that Arizona is by far one of my favorite places to play. With many attempts by phone and e-mail to a few select venues in the Phoenix area, I'm not having much luck landing anything as of yet. So, I thought with your help, along with your family, friends and co-workers signing this petition, this will greatly help me sell the idea to the owners and management of a certain venue or venues in the Phoenix area so I can come back down that to perform for all of you. I'm grateful for your ongoing support and would greatly appreciate you signing this petition. Please leave some sort of comment if possible? My goal is 500 signatures. I would like to receive at least this amount before submitting.