Help Tony Oller get reconsidered for HSM3
Sarah Salt 0

Help Tony Oller get reconsidered for HSM3

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Sarah Salt 0 Comments
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Tony Oller from the Disney Channel short As the Bell Rings recently auditioned for the disney Channel movie High School Musical 3:Senior Year. On his official myspace he told fans that the movie rejected him because he is overqualified here is the bulletin he posted Hey everybody, Well I said I'd tell you what happened. Today ended up being a bad day. When I got home from school I found out somebody else got the part in HSM3. they told me I was the only triple threat there (in other words people who can do all 3 things sing/dance/act) but they said I was overqualified like all my talents would be a competition for Zac's character instead of being like a "wannabe Troy". I'm bummed because I thought I did my best in the auditions and this was my dream role and I would have worked so hard for them. What's weird is 2 years ago I got a meeting with the head of casting and she said I wasn't at Zac Efron's level yet. So since then I've been working hard at my acting and music and now I didn't get the role because I'm at that level. I thought I did my best but it wasn't what they wanted I guess. I wish I would have found out sooner and not gotten my hopes up. It's pretty depressing when people don't have enough faith in you. I think I need a break from everything and all my worthless lessons for awhile. Anyway I appreciate all your support for me. Give me a few days and I'll write back to everybody as much as I can. God bless.

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