Toddlers and Tiaras, a pedophiles paradise.
Loni Dooley 0

Toddlers and Tiaras, a pedophiles paradise.

13 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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13 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Have you seen the show Toddler's and Tiara's, and think, those kids are to young for all that make up? Or that their clothes shouldn't look like what the adults are wearing?
Than please sign my petition to have TLC stop running this show, and others like it. It is not good for our children to be parading around a stage looking like little adults. Its causing a lot of problems with the public and pedophiles, its like an all you can see buffet for them. Many of them learn where to find the child they like and later be kidnapped and abused, if not killed. We need to stand up and fight for our children's safety and stop people from hurting our kids!

PLEASE sign if you agree with me.


Loni Dooley


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