To Un-Ban Sporcle
will bruce 0

To Un-Ban Sporcle

69 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
will bruce 0 Comments
69 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Dear fellow concerned students.

As you know the technitions of our school have blighted us with the banning of the quiz website, named Sporcle. This website was both a stimulating and enjoyable pass time in the Sixth Form computer room and so we wish for it to be unbanned. Critics may argue that it is a distraction, however, I say NAY! It has been proven to stimulate cognitive activity and mould the memory of young minds early in the morning. Furthermore it is our intention to use this website for educative purposes as well as a engaging way to pass the time in between lessons. This theory is proved in the thesis of the website - "Mentally Stimulating Quizes." People of the Lower and Upper Sixth, do not let your civil rights be abused in this malicious and un-provoked manner, sign this petition and see the tyranny of the Senior Management put to an end!


 Your fearless leaders, Big Al and Little Willy.


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