To the Green Brigades- Thanks from Palestine!
Kayan Kayan 0

To the Green Brigades- Thanks from Palestine!

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Dear Green Brigade comrades,
As our free prisoners were fighting with “empty stomachs” battle in the dungeons of the Zionist regime, we outside prisons were protesting on streets, taking our part in the fight. Our decades old fight has been of ups and downs. At times, we feel frustrations witnessing the world being indifferent. At other times, we felt hope. We watched as the Green Brigades supported our just cause and our prisoners’ hunger strike. And this was one of the times of hope. We can’t thank you enough. Your action gave us strength here. Photos and videos of your support were circulated between us in Palestine widely. And we knew not to expect any less from our Irish-Scottish comrades. The Scottish, “the last of the free”, has a history of survival. They have a history of fighting for their freedom and dignity and not giving up for any less. It is true that injustice anywhere in the world is a threat to justice everywhere in the world. But it is also true that free people anywhere inspire free people everywhere. The history of the Scottish people is a history of free people who did not bow to the Roman walls. And with your proud Irish roots, this makes you part of our struggle.

Every Palestinian youth look up to the Irish struggle. No one, better than an Irish, would understand the Apartheid wall that divides our land. No one, better than an Irish, would understand settlers taking over our lands. No one, better than an Irish, would understand the meaning of fighting occupation and sacrificing oneself. No one, better than an Irish, would understand what fighting with empty stomachs inside prisons means. Needless to say, the struggle of Bobby Sand and his comrades has inspired us. Many parts of Scotland & Ireland became 'Apartheid free-zones' in the past. Your support to the South African struggle led the way to the fall of the exclusively-white Apartheid regime. We believe you will repeat history again and will lead Glasgow to be an Apartheid free-zone once again. And will lead the way to the fall of the Zionist Apartheid regime. Our fight is far from over. We will keep up our fight until freedom, equality and full right of return for our refugees. Green Brigade comrades, I once again would love to express our deep gratitude and appreciation. Your support makes us stronger. Thank you! Sincerely,


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