BayArea Housing and Rent 0

To raise a vigorous generation and have them running, not addicted to marijuana

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1.Move towards marijuana legalisation is a great concern as it shows that a lot of people do not feel good and need marijauna to feel good.

2 The Question is not whether marijuana should be legalised or not ? The question is how such a move arose in the first place ?
3. A lot of people do not feel good because they are not eating good or balanced food.
4.We need a lot of exercise and eat good food to feel good , not marijuana
5. A trend of childhood obesity is a proof that parents do not have time to provide good nutrition to kids. When parents themselves do not have time to provide good food, one cannot blame school cafetarias for nutrition deficieny.
6. The indian system of ayurveda advocates lifestyle guidelines to provide nutrition according a person's constitution which is different for each person.
7.It is time to introduce a radical change to noon meals at school as the noon meal is the most important meal of the day.
8. One solution would be to emulate the immensely successful system of bombay dabbawallahs in india.
10.Authentic indian food has all the six tastes salty,sour, sweet,bitter ,astringent for a balanced diet which varies according to seasons .
11.With a large percentage of indian students in cupertino, it would be nice to introduce an ayurvedic balanced diet to school children to raise a vigorous generation
12 The question is not whether marijuana is required or not ?
We are focussed on making it irrelevant by encouraging a balanced diet.
13.I send a good lunch to my kid. It is equally important that other kids get good lunch too.
If my kid is going to be hurt by bullying by another kid, it is most likely he did not feel good.
It is most likely that the kid did not get a balanced nutrition from his parents

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