Storm Shelter Grant Program in Tennessee
Most states within \"Tornado Alley\" provide grants to residents that reimburse them for the expense of building a FEMA or similar agency approved safe room or storm shelter. The amount of these grants vary greatly from one state to another and for the most part only cover a portion of the total cost. However, something is better than nothing and that is exactly what we have in Tennessee. Upon discovering this I asked my state representative about implementing a program here in TN since we are just as susceptible to catastrophic storms as Mississippi, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. I have her support but we need a collective voice to send to Nashville. I will be collecting names until I feel we have enough to send to my representative in Nashville. WHEREAS we the undersigned do declare our desire for the state of Tennessee to implement a program similar to those of the surrounding states that provide aid in the form of a grant for the construction of a residential safe room/storm shelter by a Tennessee homeowner.