TLM letter to Bishop in Taiwan

Your Excellency,
It is our understanding that on March 7th 2020 the Congregation For The Doctrine Of Faith has issued a letter to the Presidents of the Episcopal Conferences regarding “Consultation of Bishops on the application of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum”.
As a stable group of lay faithful, residing in Taiwan, we would like to reach out to you to express our love for the One Holy Catholic Church and our strong attachment to the celebration of the Holy Mass using the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite.
In the Traditional Latin Masses, which we have attended in Taiwan, we can confirm that the norms and conditions of the Summorum Pontificum have always been respected and the Missal used is that promulgated by Pope John XXIII.
We pray and fast that your Excellency will look upon the content of this letter with the mercy and love of a pastor for a group of his flock and will consider replying to the questionnaire of the Doctrine of Faith in full support of our right to attend the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, in accordance with the vision of Pope Benedict XVI.
We would likewise kindly implore you to further support and promote the use of Extraordinary Form in your Diocese through educational programs and seminars for the consecrated and laity alike. Currently, the only regularly scheduled Extraordinary Form Mass in Taiwan is a monthly one in Hsinchu. Many of our members are based in Taipei and cannot easily attend it.
We would pray for a weekly Sunday Mass in all dioceses in Taiwan so that we do not have to travel outside our diocese in order to take advantage of Pope Benedict’s gift to us.
Thank you for your consideration of our request. We pray for your intentions and favourable response.
Respectfully yours in Christ