Tarvaris Jackson as starting quarterback for the Minnesota Vikings
Ryan Tuenge 0

Tarvaris Jackson as starting quarterback for the Minnesota Vikings

25 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Ryan Tuenge 0 Comments
25 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

I am starting this petition to get Tarvaris his starting job back. I will not let politics run him out of town when he clearly deserves this job. Brad Childress is trying to save his own job by benching him and I will not settle for this. We need to hold this team accountable for their actions and take a stand. How can we support a stadium when we chase talent out the door T-Jack deserves a chance to be a star here. Tell everyone you know that we will not pay for a stadium if T-Jack is shipped out of town just like Randy Moss and John Randle among others. We as Viking Nation will not back down!


This is a petition by a Vikings fan with concern for my favorite team. This is sponsored by the Lodgefather Vikings Report. http://lodgefathervikingsreport.blogspot.com/


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