Stop Islamic Republic of Iran’s apartheid policy in football leagues...!!!
Your, Excellency
Josef S. Blater
Football International Federation Association (FIFA)
In today’s globalised world, there is equal human rights and respect for all mankind, regardless of his/her sex, race, language or color.
We would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that the football stadiums in Islamic Republic of Iran have been converted to racism and insulting battle fields against Azerbaijani Turks football team “Tiraxtor” which at present has become a symbol of Azerbaijani Turks Identity.
The sport authorities, police, security forces accompanied by tens of thousands of Persian fans have no boundary to use the most explicit racist and humiliating slogans against Azerbaijani Turks.
Education in mother tongue and preserving national identity is the most basic human rights for every nation.
If such rights are deprived and people demanding them are brutally suppressed, can we name it anything except “Cultural Genocide”?
In contrast with sport philosophy which is promotion of friendship among nations, Iranian government is opposing nations by disgraceful apartheid style policies in sport leagues.
In the name of the civilized world and human rights, we urge you not to hesitate to stop Iranian authorities’ appalling apartheid and discriminative policies in football stadiums where they intentionally create an environment of hatred, racism and insult with systematic support of their corrupt police, security agents, sport authorities and the state media.
Surprisingly, police and security forces are punishing the suppressed Azerbaijani Turks instead of Persian racist invaders in stadiums!
Provocations, manipulation and making preplanned scenes are a part of government authorities’ policies.
The mach between Tiraxtor and
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Dear Mr President
We, the undersigned, urge you to support us to stop Islamic
We believe that the spirit of sport and philosophy behind it invites everyone for friendship and unity not hatred and racism.
With kind regards