Timeshare and Resort Consumer Protection Act

While vacationing with my family in Orlando we were offered \"free\" tickets if we attended a \"no obligation\" presentation. I was psicologically pressured to sing a contract and the reason I did it, is not that I am stupid (yes I was) They lied to me about the timeshare to increase in value, they lied to me that they would rent it for me (they had a lot of people in waiting lists) and they even lied to me about re-selling it with a gain...Now I am being sued, they will foreclose a \"property\" that really is not an Investment like a Real Estate investment, is \"just the right to rent a week whenever they please\" Never was disclosed that there was a risk involved on it and now I will be forced to pay them $20,000 for nothing or damage my credit and my family future filing in an bakrupcy court. I know I am not the only one on this and when I tried to find a group or some information about how to respond to this I could not find it anywhere in the entire wide world web. I hope to unite a lot of people that is on my situtaion a form a group to submit a law that will protect consumers from these professional con artists. In short words, they commited the following Acts: Misleading Advertising. Improper Selling Practices. Non-delivery of Goods or Services. Misrepresentation. Unhonored Guarantees or Warranty. Unsatisfactory Service. Unfulfilled Contracts.