TIME FOR CHANGE! Legalizing Marijuana For Economy

Our President has made it clear, It is time for change! Our Economy is suffering, It is a steady decline. Our national debt is outrageous, And yet we, and by we I mean the ordinary citizens of this country are suffering even more. It truly is time for change! Marijuana is this nations largest cash crop worth at about 35.8 BILLION dollars, above corn, cotton, ect. About 58%-70% of Americans use marijuana, or do occasionaly. MARIJUANA IS NOT BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH. Although using in the form of smoking is, but come on inhaling any kind of smoke can isn't good for you. There are other ways to use though, vaporizing, digesting, ect. As commpared to Alchohol and Tobacco, which can both be lethal with constant use. If Marijuana was legalized and taxed, taxpayers would get a big break. More than $40 BILLION is spent on laws enforcing prohibiton of Marijuana, not to metion how much we pay in taxes to incarcerate persons of using or selling Marijuana. IT IS TIME FOR CHANGE, PLEASE HELP THIS CAUSE! Even if you do not use Marijuana, can you afford not to support us, NONE THE LESS, DO IT FOR YOUR COUNTRY!