TIM TEBOW was used again for Ticket sales with past teams like Jets, Patriots, Eagles and now Jags....... It has to stop now with any NFL QB, TE, WR

Dear NFL President NFL commissioner Rodgers Goodell,
I want to remain annonymous for my right to privacy and cannot search for me on social media or contact me, cannot ask for my e-mail address. The media cannot ask for my social media or search for me at all. They need to respect my privacy.
My favorite Former NFL QB, TE , And Now he's an SEC anaylsts for College football, Tim tebow deserves the right to a fair chance to play in the NFL and have a start in the NFL as a QB or TE. WR. These past teams like Denver - NEVER used tim for ticket sales the only teams that did are ~~>(Jet's patriots, Eagles, Jaqs should have never of used to him for media purposes or to sell tickets), to me that's wrong and disrespectful. He should have a FAIR shot like any other crimminal NFL player that commits a crime but get's to play in the NFL. He has talent and should be signed because of it and test goes for you too NFL. My favorite athlete Tim Tebow has NEVER committed a crime in his life but you allow criminals to play and you sign them in the NFL but that's ok. THE ONLY NFL team has NOT used him for ticket sales was DENVER broncos. I'd rather have Tim Tebow in the NFL than a dog fighter, wifebeater, drug users, Cheaters, who lie or cover up their mistakes in a courtroom or higher up. Maybe these NFL fan haters including the media, analysts should shut their mouths and maybe they should try to do what Mr. tebow can do and see how heard it is.-I'm challenging these media haters, NFL fan haters , NFL analysts including radio announcers who have bashed him etc. If they don't like him that's fine but don't go bashing someone you don't know and never met and judge them all because this person is religion-or face a huge fine by you the NFL if anyone says anything on the NFL FB page about an NFL player or fans face in year ban not going to his or her NFL teams home games. They cannot appeal this petition period or sue the petitioner not even in a higher court. They need to FINE these NFL owners and coaches who release and use players like TIM For ticket sales and ban them from the playoffs.These NFL Team owners need to stop using players for their popularity and releasing them for no reason that has to stop now they are wasting money on signing and releasing players for no reason, I feel these NFL owners should be fined for their actions if a NFL player is under contract it shouldn't matter if their a franchise player it should go for all NFL players they should NOT be able to trade any NFL player or do it illegally like sale the player for a buyout. You the NFL need to force these NFL Team owners to sell their teams to other Owners, if they can't pay the players or when they offer them money to sign to their team, I'd rather NOT see Criminals who cheat if they can't afford their NFL teams. I feel Tim tebow is a way better role model than those who go out and commit careless crime. You the NFL need to change your rules and start being strict with these NFL owners. You need to step up to the plate and make these NFL owners pay a fine or two if they do something bad or face suspension. These NFL owners who did Mr. Tebow wrong should apologize for their actions and let him be part owner or offer him to be an NFL owner of a new NFL team in any city of his choice or be apart of their coaching staff etc.