BBUK Producers- Please make it 3+ face eviction!

This petition is to propose a change in the nominations rules for future series or BB, in that instead of the 2 or more housemates with the most nominations facing eviction, it is changed to the 3 or more housemates with the most nominations face eviction. This rule change will also mean that we don't need all of these silly fiddlings of nominations every week to get other people up as well. The latest series of BBUK, series 10, has seen a number of 2 people evictions involving two housemates popular with a lot of the public, whilst a group of housemates unpopular with most of the public have managed to make it in to the final week by voting the same people each week, ensuring those people are nominated. We've now had Freddie v Marcus and Marcus v Siavash, which have pitted two popular housemates against each other, forcing many to see one of their favourite housemates go. This, IMO, will leave quite an unworthy and dull bunch of housemates in the final apart from the survivor. So please BB producers, for future series of BB, make the nominations result in at least three people being up each week by altering the rules to three or more with most noms facing eviction. his will mean that even if a group form a block vote, it will be almost impossible for them to fully control nominations without out and out discussing them and thus breaking the rules (once discussion of nominations becomes prohibited again). To BB fans: Please sign this petition if you agree that this minor rulle change should be put in to effect for future series of BB.