There and Back Again in LEGO The Hobbit

LEGO Hobbit has been announced for 2014! Yes! However, it will not include There and Back Again. That's weird. Why would they isolate the third film in the trilogy? The Hobbit was one book split into three films. The LEGO game should have the complete book. While LEGO has done this with Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, that is justified since it was released nineteen years after the original trilogy. And when LEGO Harry Potter was split into Years 1-4 and 5-7, it was a good split in the middle. And the first two LEGO games LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game and LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy covered the prequels and original trilogy respectively. There was already that distinction between the two trilogies as I, II and III were released after IV, V and VI. LEGO Hobbit was already a prequel to LEGO The Lord of the Rings so LEGO Hobbit won't really need a sequel as it already has one. I want the full version. There has never been a LEGO game with just two movies.