Re: Tanya Mount

November 14, 2013
Dr. Frank G. Roberson
Superintendent of Schools, Richmond County, Georgia
Dr. Janina Dallas
Principal, McBean Elementary, Hephzibah, Georgia
Dear Dr. Frank G. Roberson and Dr. Janina Dallas:
The story of Army Veteran Tanya Mount has recently come to our attention, and as such, we felt compelled to write a response to your decision to ban Ms. Mount from McBean Elementary. We will begin this letter by reminding you of the outstanding contributions the great state of Georgia has made to our nation’s military and to the noble cause of liberty around the world. No less than 21 Medal of Honor recipients hail from Georgia. Georgia was among the first group of states to ratify The Constitution and the fifth state to secede from the Union when northern aggression threatened states’ rights. From the pulpit of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Dr. Martin Luther King cried out for the empowerment, honor, and equality of all Americans. Georgia is no place for cowards who bend to popular culture.
From the school website, we learned that McBean Elementary School has not been identified as a Priority, Focus or Alert school for the 2013-2014 school year. As a Title 1 School, this is an achievement to be commended. As holders of the highest graduate degree awarded, your commitment to education is clear. One can only assume that during the course of your extensive educational careers you have both had opportunities to familiarize yourselves with our Constitution and its Bill of Rights. If not, let us remind you of the 1st Amendment:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
Clearly, your actions against Ms. Mount are in violation of her right to free speech. As an American citizen, Ms. Mount is guaranteed the right to post material of her choosing on her Facebook page. No doubt you both already know this. Do you plan to patrol the Facebook pages of every parent in your district in an effort to rid all Richmond County campuses of law-abiding veterans whom you deem as threats? This would require an incredible amount of time which would be better spent devoted to the goal of educating the students in your charge. Which begs the question, what are your true motives? Was this a publicity stunt to make it known that you are falling in line with the anti-2nd Amendment virus infecting our country? If so, by using your positions of authority as political platforms, you are violating the trust placed in you by both the parents and students of the school district you represent.
Joseph Stalin once said, “Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.”
You would be wise to consider his words. If a career in politics is your aim, resign your position and forge ahead. If education is your goal, remain focused on the task at hand.