Olivia & Jackson 0

One Episode of The Office A Day Keeps the Doctor Away

10 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Olivia & Jackson 0 Comments
10 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The Office is one of the most amazing creations ever given by God to mankind, and don't even try denying it. All of those other shows like Modern Family and Parks and Recreation, they'll never be on the same level as the televisional masterpiece called The Office. Okay, maybe Parks and Rec, but not Modern Family.

Every time I tell someone about my unhealthy obsession with The Office, they just scoff and say "Ew, The Office is so old. No one watches it anymore." But this petition has been created to change that stigma around this gift from the TV heavens. This petition has been created to ensure that these people who have never seen an episode of this show crafted by the hands of Jesus himself, will finally realize how wrong they are. They'll finally see that Pam, Michael, Dwight, and everyone else in The Office are literal Gods. They will learn how wrong they were, and finally watch an episode of the Office every single day.

Sign this petition if you worship The Office as much as we do, and once we get to our goal amount of signatures, we can finally all say to the people who said they didn't like The Office:

Congratulations, you played yourself.

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