In Support of Stephen Colbert as "Gould"

Dear Greg Daniels and the Producers of The Office, As dedicated fans of The Office, we all spend time (especially in those sad summer months!) speculating about our favorite characters and their relations, as well as the perfect actors to play them. Who would Michael\'s mother be Who\'s Larissa Halpert But among fans, one idea seems to crop up far more than any other: Stephen Colbert as Gould, Jan\'s chilly ex-husband. We ask you, Mr. Daniels, could a more perfect idea even exist The answer to this question is no. Who could match the magnificent Melora Hardin in both insanity and intimidating glares Who could strike fear into the heart of Michael Scott, but also spar with Steve Carell as a comedic equal Who would dedicated and casual fans love to see in a guest starring role, more than any other The answers to all these questions is Stephen Colbert. Continue in your noble quest of reuniting Daily Show correspondents. Continue developing the fantastic character of Jan and her dysfunctional relationship to Michael Scott. And keep the love alive with America\'s favorite pundit: Stephen Colbert. We, the undersigned, respectfully ask that you consider our suggestion. As dedicated fans, we would only come to you with the very best of ideas. Thank you for your time.