Theo who was shot and found in a dumpster

Theo a Black pomerian was found in a dumpster in a trash bag. He was shot in the head! In grayson county Virgina. He lost one eye, and is blind in the other. He made it and is going to recover. But what about who did this to him? We know who did it and so do the police. Im starting this to try and help get justice!!! If it was a baby there would have already been justice served! Well theo is a baby, just a fur baby that wouldnt hurt a fly. And we need justice!! Theo needs justice! Theos mom (Mary Stoneman) needs justice!! Im asking anyone who agrees on them getting justice and the jerk who shot him put in jail like he deserves!!! Too please please sign this!! Im hoping to get enough to send this off to news stations, police station, etc.. And maybe just maybe THEOO WILL GET JUSTICE!! THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS!!