We the undersigned, all whom own property in The Eagles subdivision located in Odessa, Florida, Hillsborough County, oppose the rezoning in our neighborhood as stated in application number MM 10-0793 for one or more of the following reasons.
1. We would like the current zoning to stay in place, as it was when we purchased our properties.
2. The current owners have neither the means nor the intentions of implementing the plan in the application. This request is merely a tactic to make the sale of the property more attractive to prospective buyers.
3. Setting the precedent to rezone commercial to residential opens a very real possibility of future development of the golf courses, and other non-residential properties.
4. With foreclosures at an all time high, and Eagles residents unable to sell their homes at a reasonable price, there is no need to develop additional housing through the rezoning of property that is currently not zoned residential.
5. Because new residential housing is not needed, the approval of this type of application will result in unnecessary destruction of areas which are currently inhabited by a wide variety of wildlife, including deer, turkey, wading birds, birds of prey, peacocks, and alligators, just to name a few.