The Cottage Fountain Court

The Cottage and surrounding land is under threat of demolition and development into 5 three-story houses to the rear of Fountain Court, Lawrie Park Road. As neighbours as local residents this development would impact on us in the following ways: • the overdevelopment of the site • noise and disturbance of construction workers using the access road detrimental to the amenities of the occupiers of Fountain Court, • use of the access road would result in the loss of existing trees to the side of the driveway, • existing access is not large enough for construction traffic, emergency vehicles and refuse vehicles which is why it has not previously been developed, • the site has already been partly cleared and further clearance will impact upon local wildlife, • increased risk of flooding as further land is over paved over/built on, • flat entrances lead directly onto the access road, increased traffic will impact upon pedestrian safety and residential amenity, • where will the new residents of the properties put their bins? Residents of Litchfield and Fountain Court have had to move their bins closer to the road, • increased demand for on street parking, • the Cottage was occupied until a year ago and the garden was well maintained. The owner has left the property to deteriorate. • residents of Litchfield House use the access road to access their garages which are to be retained, • The Cottage is of historical importance as it was originally known as The Lodge because it was the coaching house to Litchfield House which is a listed building, • inaccuracies in the application and accompanying tree report, • the proposal will result in overlooking, loss of privacy and prospect for the residents of Fountain Court, • loss of an existing woodland environment.