Protect our Schools with Active Military Personel

Mr President, Our Children are our countries most valuable asset. They contain both our future, and our hopes and aspirations. Both at a deeply personal level, and also at a national level. They are our most important resource. I propose that you sign a letter today commanding the armed forces, of which you are commander and chief, instructing your armed forces to staff our schools with 2 to 3 armed military personel. I have done some research, and I believe that there are about 100,000 public schools in the United States. You of course, will probably have a better grasp of this number. That being said, it would take 200,000 to 300,000 troops to secure our most important national asset. I believe that it also could be a way to help stimulate the economy, and to also promote the armed forces as an honorable profession. One that has many benefits. Mr President - with the latest shooting, I urge you to at least seriously consider this, and to take action now, if only for 3-6 months to make a crystal clear statement about what YOU as the leader of the free world value the most. Thank you for your time and consideration,