Petition to remove "The Big Society" as a strategic area for AHRC funding

We are members of the AHRC Peer Review College, AHRC funding applicants, and others with an interest in AHRC activities. We call for this change with immediate effect. We call upon the UK-based Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) to remove "The Big Society" as one of its six strategic areas for research funding. Research councils should not direct funding to strategic areas which overlap with any political party's slogans. We would have been equally opposed to "The Third Way" becoming a strategic area for research funding shortly after the 1997 election. Political party campaign slogans should not become strategic research funding areas post-election. We support the removal of "The Big Society" with immediate effect.
Please also consider writing directly to the AHRC Chief Executive (r.rylance@ahrc.ac.uk)