ApHC Drug Rule

In March of 2007, the Appaloosa Horse Club Board of Directors held their spring meeting. On the agenda was a proposal to improve the club rules regarding Penalties and Sanctions for drugged horses entered in ApHC Breed Shows. Unbeknown to its members, this proposal passed and will become an official rule in January 2008. This will allow drugs such as Acetazolimide and Lasix. The Appaloosa-Just Say No Group, made up of family pet owners, breeders, show persons, and advocate for the Appaloosas future, are asking the BODs to revisit this proposal with consideration for the ApHC members and those that care deeply about the Appaloosa. Please take a moment to read the information provided and do not hesitate to contact The Appaloosa-Just Say NO Group @ http://www.formulaonefarms.com/drugpage.htm Please sign our petition with your first and last name, city and state, and if you are a member of the ApHC or non member Advocate. Thank you from the future Appaloosas! http://www.appaloosa.com/association/bod.htm List of BOD and contact info http://appaloosablogspot.com/2007/08/ Official ApHC CEO, Steve Taylors Appaloosablogspot http://www.appaloosa.com/pdfs/SummaryofMotions07_09_06.pdf Motion # 16-07-06 Ruling pg 26