Concerns Regarding Curricular Integrity and Female Faculty
Jennifer Anyaegbunam 0

Concerns Regarding Curricular Integrity and Female Faculty

436 signers. Add your name now!
Jennifer Anyaegbunam 0 Comments
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We, the Alumni, Students, Parents, and Faculty of The Albany Academies, present this petition as a reaction to the recent termination of female faculty, and the manner in which these terminations were made. We believe recent changes made by Academy's Administration fundamentally conflict with the ideals set forth by the school's mission, which states that Academy is "committed to developing the potential of the whole individual by building a community that fosters scholarship, leadership, character, service, and creativity. Our core values include responsibility, self-discipline, compassion, ingenuity, respect, service, integrity and perseverance." We would like to express our support for the excellent educators unjustly terminated or pressured to leave, and raise awareness about our greatest concerns about the future of the Albany Academies, presented below. Curricular Integrity The failure to continue an academically rigorous and broad academic curriculum destroys the value of a diploma from the Albany Academies and undermines the core education received by all students. Furthermore, 'watering down the curriculum’ denies students proper intellectual stimulation and the opportunity develop the critical analytical skills necessary for collegiate success. Academy students should strive to be the best; do not insult their intelligence by limiting the opportunities available to them. We ask that Academy continue to uphold the following ideals clearly stated on the website: * A rigorous curriculum and a stellar faculty that help Academies students become critical, creative, and independent thinkers. * An intellectually lively setting, in which students at both schools enjoy a rich variety of opportunities to grow – in the classroom, in athletics, in the arts, and in the community. * A diverse array of Advanced Placement courses, honors tutorials, independent study projects and internships allowing students to pursue advanced level work and further explore interests. Dismissal of Female Faculty We are appalled by the recent departure of six female members of the faculty. We urge Academy to maintain a diverse faculty with a number of different interests and professional experiences. Reducing female faculty not only homogenizes the Academy community but also limits the number of female role models and mentors available to students. The recent departure of these women is nothing short of a disservice to the Academy student body and we strongly recommend that future decisions be made with the best interest of the student body in mind. Many thanks for your attention, Yours sincerely, Alumni, Parents, Students & Faculty of the Albany Academies


Jennifer A. Anyaegbunam Albany Academy for Girls c/o 2006
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