The United States Government(s) strike the word Marriage from it's laws

By Government employing the word marriage it lends itself to the violation of the first amendment of it's constitution. And it also puts Government in a position above God/Nature. A Government (namely the United States) which states in its constitution there are rights inherent to man (Meaning given by God/Nature) that the Government can not infringe upon. One of these rights is freedom of thought and conscience. The United States government cannot force one to go against these said things without violating it's first amendment.
The United States
government is a government of the physical world, therefore it can
not govern anything spiritual, and Love is spiritual in the sense
that it can not be measured. You cannot see love, you can not smell
love, you cannot hear love, you cannot hold love in your hands, and
you cannot taste love. Therefore Government cannot
approve/disapprove/administer/guide/manage love. But because the
Government uses the word marriage in it's laws it is then forced to
define what the word is, and it is not the place of Government to do
Marriage has been
around for as long as man has been recording history. It transcends
many cultures. It is a bonding of spirits, and in every case it has
been under a higher power. Government cannot bond spirits, or govern
spirits, therefore it cannot issue the binding of spirits, only the
binding of material objects, through a contract.
So how can we overcome this issue, without alienating anyone in the process.
- Government must take the word marriage out of it's laws.
- Government cannot approve, disapprove, or regulate any policy according to marital status.
- Change the word that the government considers marriage to Civil Union.
- All of those contracts considered marriage gets retitled to Civil Union, and the title of husband or wife gets changed to a union number. (the title can be debated, but have nothing to do with the binding of two people spiritually ie: Life-Partner, Partner, etc.)
- All of the benefits from what would formally be known as marriage, carries over to Civil Union.
- In the Civil Union Contract it must be stated that it is a legal document to share personal information, and property only, and that is is not a binding of love, spirit, or conscience. There is no sacred meaning to this document, because government is not in a position to govern the spirit.
The benefits of this petition:
- There is no violation to the First amendment of the U.S. constitution.
- It does not force those who don't believe in a God into a religious/spiritual act.
- It allows for religions to practice without State intrusion which is their First Amendment right.
- It allows marriage to be under God, and only God, the way it has been for thousands of years.
- Those that do not believe in God, will not be rewarded or punished, because there is no physical world advantages to being married.
- Those that believe that believe that marriage is just a contract, should have no problem with getting the civil union, or both married and a civil union.
- Marriage becomes a private institution, practiced by only those that believe in it.