BSSC Supports The Turf & Lighting of Bonvegna Field Petition

The new management of DuBurns Arena is proposing a MAJOR upgrade to the fields next to the Arena. There are a few who are fighting the installation of new turf and field lighting in the Canton Area.What a great addition to the DuBurns Arena complex as they could offer outdoor sports year around ! PLEASE support this improvement to the Canton Area..
Mike Cray
The Turf & Lighting of Bonvegna Field Petition
Citizens of Baltimore City, Residents of the Canton Neighborhood surrounding Clarence Duburns Arena and Senator Bonvegna Field,
By signing this petition, you are in agreement and are convinced that the proposed improvements to the outdoor multi-purpose field, known as Senator Bonvegna Field, located at 3201 Toone St, Baltimore, MD 21224 would be an asset to the residential community as well as the business community in regards to providing another highly desired and needed upgraded sports facility that serves both adults and children of the surrounding community.
Proposed capital improvements include but are not limited to:
1. multi-purpose sports turf for year round usage, low maintenance cost
2. addition of lighting for use at night, fulfilling a need for more developed fields in Baltimore City area.
3. spectator seating
If you are seeking more detailed information about the proposed improvements, you can call Duburns Arena. For additional information about Canton, you can access the Canton Association website at http://cantoncommunity.org/index.php