Xignis Phoenix Hawaii 0

The Summoners' Voice: Petition for Change

200 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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200 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Dear Brave Frontier (gumi),

This was once an open letter to you that began as a comment on one of your Facebook posts, and now it is a petition from all who share a common stance.

The said letter, now a petition, reiterated below:

You are bringing this game down, and at a pretty rapid pace.

With each release of new unit batches, which typically outclasses the batches before them, comes great consequences. One of the biggest consequences, and perhaps the most aggravatingly ridiculous, is how quick units get outclassed before we Summoners are even able to use them. You simply release way too many new units too fast, and often too soon.

The game has become super stale, and releasing new units does not remedy this. Instead of new units, we seriously encourage you to release new content for all to enjoy (e.g., the long awaited Raid Battle, Trials, special events and collaborations, etc.). Content that actually enables us to utilize our units to its fullest potential until said units dull out; and when those units have dulled, then the time for new unit releases are absolutely warranted. Simply batting out new units willy-nilly does no justice to you, your customers, and the integrity of this game.

Another weakness in this game, to some, is how deeply advantaged Anima types are, and how Oracle types are considered the worst of the worst. A lot of the units we summon—new and often old, unwanted duplicates—end up having a type other than Anima. Here's one content idea to remedy this issue: perhaps consider making a special event that allows us to capture a unit capable of changing unit types either randomly or by player choice (occurring once or twice a year, with a capture limit and a reasonable capture rate—and make it challenging).

New exciting content = deeper game experience and memorability; that's what creates a nostalgic feeling, and nostalgia is vital in creating a lasting legacy for this game—for any game.

Finally, your constant server issues and lack of proper customer service is by far the most influential part of what is preventing Brave Frontier from being the great game it should be. It is ridiculous how little content we have, yet your server cannot handle the smallest of additions/re-additions/revisions to the game (Super Honor Summon events, special dungeons, Frontier Hunter events, and Vortex Arena events, just to name a few).

There's no question that many of us Summoners have spent tens, hundreds, even thousands of money in hopes of you providing us an enjoyable experience.

To make matters worse, when there is an issue, like server crashes, missing gems glitches, etc., it takes hours for you to appropriately address the public that you are aware of the situation. In addition, we never ever hear from you of what steps you intend to take in finding a remedy to our concerns.

Is it too much for us to ask of you to take it upon yourself to improve your server and keep us really up to date of what is going on?

Some will say, "It's just a game," but many more will say, "It's all about the game."

Brave Frontier began with the sights of aiming at the sky, gathering Summoners from around the world, and to see how far out we, as a unit, can enjoy the journey of being a part of Brave Frontier.

You are our Captain that steer the experience we get in this journey, and we—your customers, your fans—are your crew. Question is: Will you be the type of Captain that share all the booty evenly, and steer the ship in dangerously adventurous paths but with the mindset of always taking care of your crew first? Or will you be that Captain that simply cannot and will not consider your crew as an indispensable part to your vessel, leaving your crew sucked dry and famished?

Don't lose your way. Please.

Sincerely, and with utter respect and concern,

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