BTK Petition 0


34 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
BTK Petition 0 Comments
34 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Chancellor Claudia Müller

Professor Thomas Noller

Professor Walter Bergmoser

Dear department heads of BTK-FH:

This petition is being presented due to an unjust dismissal of Professor Michael Grieve. His firing has caused the students to question the university’s ethics. We students of BTK-FH are acting on our own accord in favor of your reconsideration of his employment. The students of the university are aware of the situation that occurred during the time of Michael’s street photography course in the summer and are skeptical to believe the department took any sort of action to represent him or seek the truth. It seems as though you disregarded the situation, which is very troubling to us. The silence of the department is alarming and leaves us concerned for the future of BTK-FH. This silence and disorganization seems to be a pattern over the last semesters and is affecting us students.

We have come together in order to share our voice to the department and represent Professor Michael Grieve. He has always taken a controversial approach to teaching by going into subject matter that might be uncomfortable for some. Though he is not perfect, Michael has never been afraid to step out of the box and speak his truth. His methods of teaching have helped a lot of students advance as artists and find inspiration through unconventional means. He has gone out of his way to help his students be better photographers by giving us real knowledge of what it takes to succeed in the competitive world of photography. Losing a teacher like this jeopardizes the entire photography department.

Some of the greatest aspects of BTK-FH are the individual styles of teaching and opportunities given to the students. Michael has gone above expected standards to create a dynamic platform for his students, which has allowed us to venture past our own conventional borders. He has presented multiple opportunities in and outside the university including lectures, exhibitions, and workshops; making a substantial effort to engage his students within the photography community. We the students question the integrity of the department’s decision, which limits such possibilities.

Along with this limitation of our own growth, we plead for the sake of our professor as an individual. Michael has always spoke of the struggle edgy individuals endure throughout their lives. The ones who share such honesty seem to be reprimanded frequently. We appreciate him for this very reason. Many of us students have found inspiration through his lectures and aspire to be bold- making our thoughts of what’s unobtainable a possibility. We present this petition to you sincerely in hopes that you reconsider the employment of Professor Michael Grieve. Not just for his own sake, but also for the future of BTK-FH and students’ development as creative individuals.


concerned students.

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