The Silent Majority

By signing this petition, we as students of Concordia University are hereby requesting that the CSU hold an emergency board of directors meeting to enact the following changes to their policy as it pertains to General Assemblies and specifically matters pertaining to the student 'strike' in 2012:
- An assembly wherein the facts as they pertain to the tuition increase be presented as 100% fact, let no opinion or conjecture interfere with a statement of the facts as they are outlined within the Government of Quebec report.
- Direct questions addressing confusion of matters within the Government of Quebec report will be the only 'discussion' to be had at the assembly, and if there is no specific answer, let it be said that there is "no clarification on that matter".
- The information assembly will also address questions regarding the voting process (specific times and locations of ballot boxes etc.)
- The information assembly will take place one day prior to the vote, in the event that the vote is scheduled for a Monday, the information assembly will take place on the Friday provided it is not a holiday.
- Attendance at the Information Assembly will not be required in order to vote.
- A secret ballot process wherein polling stations are set up at numerous locations across both Sir George Williams and Loyola campuses (to be determined), and that they be open and available for secret ballot voting for no less than twelve consecutive hours on either a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, provided it is not a holiday.
- Polling stations will be monitored by CSU representatives/executives as well as one anti-strike scrutineer to ensure that there is no vote tampering or error in the process.
- Assistance by other student associations will be required in the form of departmental lists to cross-check voters. Polling stations will be equipped with the required attendance lists to ensure proper voting procedure.
- Quorum will be decided based on votes cast, in the event that there is less than 1.5% of the student body represented, the process will not be valid.
- Volunteers may be recruited to ensure that there is no vote-tampering prior to reaching the polling station, ensuring that lobbies of buildings near polling areas remain free of anti or pro-strike supporters involved in coercion.
- A majority (provided quorum is met) will indicate that the decision is binding and not to be re-opened for the remainder of the current 2012 winter semester.
- In the event of a strike, demonstration tactics that involve violence, harassment, class disruption and any other violation of the code of Human Rights, the Quebec Civil Code or the Concordia Code of Rights and Responsibilities will not be permitted, and will not be eligible to be put to a vote.