The Right to Informed Consent for Covid Vaccination
The fundamental human rights of informed consent, bodily autonomy and medical freedom were established with the Geneva Convention, Nuremberg Code, Declaration of Helsinki, the Precautionary Principle and the UNESCO Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights edicts of voluntary medical treatments without mandates or coercion.
And most recently Europe’s leading human rights organization, The Council of Europe, released a joint statement to ensure European citizens are informed that the vaccination is NOT mandatory and that no one is politically, socially, or otherwise pressured to get themselves vaccinated and to ensure that no one is discriminated against for not having been vaccinated, due to possible health risks or not wanting to be vaccinated.
Yet the degree of government and pharma-medical industry pressure for the approval, promotion, distribution and administration of Covid vaccines worldwide is unprecedented, as is the most expensive global marketing campaign in history for the purpose of manufacturing consent for mass vaccination without due consideration for individual human rights.
There are a number of key medical, scientific, legal and ethical issues that are either being systematically censored from the public or purposefully unreported which people must be made aware of so that they may exercise their fundamental right to make an informed decision regarding vaccination.
Crucially, none of the Covid vaccines have shown to prevent infection or transmission.
Even the World Health Organisation finally admitted as much (but only after health authorities in the UK, US and EU granted Emergency Use Authorisation for these hugely profitable vaccines which would have been denied if a successful treatment protocol for Covid-19 was officially recognised instead. Treatments which could have saved the vast majority of lives lost to all respiratory infections around the world - every year).
So essentially these vaccines are worthless because if they do not prevent infection or transmission of SARS-CoV-2 then they will not end the pandemic let alone lockdowns, mask mandates, quarantine requirements or travel bans (which cause far more death and harm than the virus as well as destroying economies, businesses, jobs and our health, freedoms and rights).
Infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies and they are supported by more than 50,000 medical and public health scientists and medical practitioners.
As the latest data confirms, the mainstream narrative in support of lockdowns, mask mandates and mass vaccination is unscientific, illogical and is not supported by the evidence.
Covid-19 vaccine manufacturers have claimed that their rushed vaccine trials have shown to be more than 90% effective. But that all depends on how they measure ‘effective’..
Research from Dr. Peter Doshi, associate editor at the British Medical Journal, highlights the lack of evidence required for Covid-19 vaccine trial candidates to appear a 'success';
So the measure of efficacy or ‘success’ for these experimental vaccines is merely a reduction of symptoms. Symptoms which just happen to be common side effects of the Covid-19 vaccine itself (eg. flu-like fever, headaches, chills, fatigue, body aches, swollen lymph nodes, joint pain…) which are experienced by up to 80% of vaccine recipients after the second dose.
The key point not mentioned in the headlines and media campaigns is if Covid vaccines have not being tested for transmissibility then there is NO evidence they will end viral spread nor the ongoing global lockdowns. Even worse, mass vaccination may actually do far more harm than good worldwide by potentially creating asymptomatic carriers, antibody dependent enhancement, vaccine immune escape and vaccine-resistant phenotype mutations and a surge in autoimmunity via pathogenic priming that triggers an autoimmune response.
The more immediate concern is the extremely high rate of known adverse events from the first real-world data published by the US CDC on 19 December 2020, which refer to the vaccination campaign in the UK. A staggering 2.8 percent of recipients experienced severe reactions that determined "inability to perform normal daily activities, inability to work, and needed medical or health care."
This is a shockingly high severe reaction percentage. And now there are increasing reports of deaths, life-threatening events, permanent disabilities, hospitalizations and emergency room visits following COVID-19 vaccinations around the world. This is despite utterly inadequate vaccine injury reporting systems. All this (eg. global lockdowns, mask mandates and experimental mass vaccination of populations worldwide) for a virus with an infection mortality rate comparable to the flu - without treatment!
As mass vaccination campaigns roll out across the world, reports of deaths and dangerous reactions continue to mount including 33 deaths - and counting - in Norway alone following Covid vaccination in the very age group that is most susceptible to the virus. There are now several countries which are no longer recommending vaccination for the elderly given the high incidence of adverse events and lack of data in support of vaccination in this vulnerable age group.
According to new data released as of February 12, 15,923 adverse reactions to COVID vaccines, including 929 deaths, have been reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) since Dec. 14, 2020 (even though health authorities estimate fewer than 1% of adverse events are even reported). Of the 929 reported deaths, about one-third occurred within 48 hours.
According to Dr. Jeffrey Hirschfield, MD, "An exposure to the Sars-Cov-2 virus is a "COVID-related" death, but an exposure to a COVID-19 vaccine is a "chronic-disease" related death". Yet deaths following vaccination around the world are merely being dismissed as 'coincidental' by medical regulators and health authorities focused more on promoting vaccine uptake over safety and our fundamental human right to informed consent.
This is especially disturbing considering that none of the Covid vaccines in production have been tested for carcinogenicity, genotoxicity, mutagenicity, toxicokinetics, absorption or excretion, pharmacokinetic drug interactions, infertility, breast feeding or effects on foetuses.
The other 255 individuals derive no benefit – yet they are subject to vaccine adverse effects – a shockingly high percentage of vaccine recipients reporting crippling health problems according to the latest data.
All for an infection with an average survival rate of severe seasonal influenza. And given the average age of death from Covid-19 is virtually the same as normal life expectancy and that virtually all these deceased had other serious pre-existing medical conditions, the mainstream fear driven narrative to fuel global lockdowns, supply shortages leading to poverty and starvation of millions worldwide, the destruction of economies, businesses, jobs, mental and physical health, the loss of fundamental rights, liberties and freedoms and the instigation of society wide control apparatus including mask and vaccine mandates is illogical, unscientific and criminally unethical.
Another crucial point seldom even mentioned is that the pharmaceutical companies who manufacturer Covid vaccines, medical regulators who approve them, health authorities who endorse and promote them and health professionals who inject them are exempt of any and all liability for deaths, injuries or infection outbreaks associated with experimental Covid vaccines.
Is the worldwide rollout of COVID vaccines actually creating a nightmare scenario?
On a risk v benefit analysis alone, even without considering the unknown long term health effects which won’t be known for many years, it is highly unlikely that an informed person would consent to being injected with these liability-free products. Perhaps this explains the unprecedented level of censorship of this vital information and the widespread global propaganda campaign pushing these experimental vaccines by powerful vested interests.
When the public realize that the unscientific W.H.O. led dictates forced us to endure the last year of global lockdowns and destroyed economies, jobs, lives and freedoms all for a cold virus which results in one per one thousand extra deaths with an average age of death around 80 (about the average age of death anyway!) then our collective anger will rightly be directed at those who must be held accountable. And they know it!
Everyone has the right to informed consent about what is injected into their body and that of their children. Informed consent only applies when all of the information is available to make a decision, not when crucial information is withheld. So make sure yours is an informed decision.
Please share this petition widely and contact your local politicians and media so that we may all retain our rights to informed consent, bodily autonomy and medical freedom – without mandates or coercion of any kind by governments, industries, corporations and vested interests.