The Right to Bear Arms & Defend Yourself Petition
This petition is directed at all the politicians who are policy makers in their home states. We, the people, have a constitutional and a God given right to bear arms and to adequately defend ourselves as we see fit and if the need should ever present itself. These anti weapons laws that are currently in place are unconstitutional and are impinging on our God given rights to adequately defend ourselves how we see fit. The criminal elements of our society are not even following these laws and are obtaining these weapons illegally through the black market, so why should we as law abiding, taxpaying citizens not be able to legally bear arms and defend ourselves against these criminal elements. The police are not always there to protect and defend us, nor can they be expected to be everywhere at the same time to protect us, so since this protection is not and cannot be guaranteed we should be allowed to bear arms to adequately defend ourselves, thereby taking our own, and that of our loved ones, personal security and protection into our own hands. We are not stating that we should allow everyone in society to bear arms like under aged minors, those with serious mental illnesses, illegal immigrants, and those with violent criminal records should be allowed to bear arms, but that adult, sane, law abiding, taxpaying citizens should be allowed to bear arms and defend themselves without fear of being arrested and charged with a crime for carrying an illegal weapon to defend themselves with. Unless the government and the police force can 100% guarantee our safety all of the time we should be allowed to carry arms to defend ourselves if the need should ever arise. If the state government does not heed our petition then they will feel our wrath on Election Day because we, the people who signed this petition, will use the only legal weapon that we have at our disposal against politicians and that is our votes. We will not vote for those in office, but for their opponents instead. If these politicians don’t heed our wishes we will do the same to them during the next Election Day and so on and so on, until these ridiculous laws are overturned and changed. We will keep on doing this indefinitely until you see that we are serious and then you won't have any choice, but to grant us our constitutional and God given right to bear arms to defend ourselves with. This is not a veiled threat, but a promise from the people who voted you into office so ignore us at your own political peril. We want the right to carry defensive weapons such as mace, pepper spray, stun guns, tazers, collapsible batons, and etc. We also want the right to be allowed to carry our guns openly out in public without the fear or threat of being arrested or any other types of reprisals.