Hunter's quiver (WoW)

The vastly appealing Hunter class in the popular mmorpg World of Warcraft (Wow) utilizes a ranged weapon as their main offense. The romanticized bow is by far the most prevalent of weapon choices. As with all other classes in this game, the weapon of choice is displayed proudly in game on the backs of the characters, easily identifying them to experienced players.
Early concepts of the Hunter class involved ammunition
maintenance for a ranged weapon and as expected included a visual display
represented as a quiver (for the bow) slung across the back. When ammunition
was removed from the game players also saw the departure of the quiver and its
visual representation as well.
Character class paraphernalia is usually as visually rich and grandiose as the game environment itself. Other classes continue to operate with prominent and over-sized axes, swords, elaborate staves, and a host of brightly colored magical auras such as angelic wings that serve to identify them. Many players feel that the removal of the quintessential quiver has been a disservice of the Hunter.
The bow and arrow is a classic and iconic instrument appearing in nearly all cultures globally. There is no one without the other. Both fictional and non-fictional hunting legends that utilize a bow are usually depicted with said quiver strapped to their side or to their backs.
Let’s communicate to Blizzard Entertainment just how important this is for many players. After all, WoW is a fantasy-based environment that players immerse themselves into. For this player, a quiver strapped to my hunter’s back is a fantasy I’d like to partake in.