The Reckappell Revolution
CCPR Fan 0

The Reckappell Revolution

42 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
CCPR Fan 0 Comments
42 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We the fans would love our own Reckappell Web-series! We want a story that has Peter Reckell and Crystal Chappell play a love story together because they have great chemistry and a great dynamic.

OTALIA fans (great fan base of CC and Jessica Leccia) had lost their favorite couple because of the tragic loss of Guiding Light. Venice the Series was born to reunite those actors to showcase a story for them, and now the Grove is coming as well. We deserve a chance just like they did. We love our actors and their chemistry just like they did. If you agree, please sign this petition!


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