The Pledge for less couchsitting and more action
Today I pledge to be an example for others in a nation that feels more divided than ever. While I woke up scared and tearful this morning, I am pledging to not wallow in what could have been, or what I could have done better, but instead I pledge to focus on the future, and keeping it as bright as it can be. I pledge to stand up to racism, sexism, ignorance and fear. This leader does not define me or my character; instead my own actions and leadership do.
I pledge to fight to maintain the rights of women and to ensure basic civil rights for all minority groups, for current and future generations. We have come too far to lose what we have gained. I will not stand by quietly to see important decisions overturned, and I ask that you join me in this.
I pledge to remain positive and see this as an opportunity to avoid complacency and fight for what I believe in, a world that is open to many diverse cultures, to gender equality, and to a healthy environment.
I pledge to fight for the natural resources that provide us with all the essential ingredients of life itself. We have taken these resources for granted for too long, and this trend can only be expected to continue or even worsen. I will stand up to maintain access to clean water and air, and I will personally try to lead by example and make changes in my own lifestyle to lessen my impact on the world.
I pledge to pay attention to events but to not let the influence of sensational 24/7 media coverage to sway me. I pledge to communicate with others that feel like me. I pIedge to try to connect to others that do not feel like I do, to find a middle ground and look at commonalities and possible solutions.
I know that I am not alone in the way I feel and refuse to let hatred and fear tactics dictate the way my world could be. I pledge to lead through example. We are the leaders of our own lives. That is my pledge.