The Palisades Homeowners Petition for Documents
The Palisades Homeowners 0

The Palisades Homeowners Petition for Documents

The Palisades Homeowners 0 Comments
53 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Please join us in petitioning The Palisades HOA management company (CAMS) and the Declarant (Lennar) to provide us the following missing documents to be posted on the online portal (

  1. Financials from 2018 - missing months:
    1. MASTER - Jan, Feb, Oct, Nov, Dec.
    2. Residential - Jan, Feb, Mar, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec.
  2. Financials from 2019 - MASTER & Residential Jan, Feb, and Mar.
  3. Supplemental Declarations and CC&R's for all neighborhoods.
  4. Meeting Minutes - Board of Director meeting minutes and Annual HOA Meeting Minutes.

We, as The Palisades Homeowners who pay into The Palisades HOA, have the right under the NC Planned Community Act (NCGS § 47F-3-118(a)) and Chapter 55A (the Nonprofit Act) to have access to these documents in a timely manner. Requests have been made via email and have not been fulfilled.

UPDATE: (March 31, 2019) We have partial delivery of Financials, Meeting Minutes. Big win - we will continue to work with CAMS to get these documents for everyone!

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