The Old Organ & Dragon Site (London Road, Ewell, KT17 2BL)

You may not be aware that Lidl has put in a new application to Epsom & Ewell Council for a new build on the old Organ & Dragon site on the corner of the London Road and the Ewell By-Pass. The proposal involves a new building similar to that in Leatherhead with an underground car park. The proposed opening times are 7am – 8pm, 7 days a week.
Only a limited number of residents have been notified, but as this will potentially have an impact on you, we felt we should give you the opportunity to have your say. Further details about this planning application (16/00933/FUL) can be found on the Epsom & Ewell Borough Council website www.epsom-ewell.gov.uk/EEBC/Planning ,follow the planning links or in person at Epsom Town Hall and public libraries with internet access.
In addtition to signing this petition, residents can comment to the council either by writing a letter to:
Place Development Service, The Planning Office
Epsom & Ewell Borough Council
Town Hall
The Parade
Surrey, KT18 5BY
Or by emailing the planning department at supportgrouprequests@epsom-ewell.gov.uk (quoting above reference)
The council say you should only appeal for the following reasons:
- Whether the proposal conflicts with any of the council’s planning policies
- Whether the appearance and size of a new building is generally in keeping with its neighbours and the surrounding area
- Whether adjoining residents will suffer any unreasonable overshadow, overlooking or loss of privacy
- Whether a proposed use is a suitable one for the area – consider the safety of children walking to & from local schools across this site, effect on local roads etc.
- Whether there will be any unreasonable increase in general disturbance, for example from the comings and goings of extra traffic – perhaps consider the existing congestion at this site already in your experience, other local similar sites etc.
- Whether new roadways, accesses and adequate parking will be safe for road users and pedestrians
- Whether new public buildings have satisfactory access for the disabled
- Whether, in the case of an application for an advertisement, the proposed sign is loo large or unsightly
- Whether a public footpath is affected
- Whether there is any visual effect upon the landscape, e.g. loss of trees
- Impact on the character and appearance of a Listed Building/Conservation Area in the case of applications for Listed Buildings Consent or conservation Area Consent
- Boundary and other disputes between neighbours, e.g. private rights of way, drainage issues or covenants
- Loss of view, unless, in limited circumstances, that view should be protected in the public interest
- Loss of trade through increased competition
- Loss of property value
However, the following cannot be taken into account:
We would ask you, as local residents, to contact the council by the 25th October (21 days since we received the letter dated 4th October from Epsom & Ewell Council about the proposed development plans).
Many thanks
From concerned local residents