Stop allowing palm oil to be an 'invisible ingredient'.
Unwittingly, you could be contributing to the destruction of the rain forests of Indonesia and Malaysia, pushing vast numbers of species- including orangutans -towards extinction. How? Because in many products that you use daily, there is an ingredient which is hiding under the name 'vegetable oil'. It is in fact palm oil, which you'll find in margarine, Dairy Milk, most soap products, crisps and countless more products which you use on an almost daily basis. It is estimated that one in ten of supermarket products contain the oil extracted from oil palms. Palm oil impacts massively on the destruction of the rain forests because of the huge mass of land being cut down to make way for palm oil plantations. The rain forests are disappearing, and it is almost impossible to be aware of what products you are using which contain the ingredient, because it is so subtly hidden under the name of 'vegetable oil'. The aim of this petition is to draw attention to this fact, and try to make way for something which will mean that if a product contains palm oil, it must be listed clearly. This way, customers will be more aware of the contents of the products they use, and so will also be aware of the devastation this ingredient is causing, and therefore hopefully it will be one small step towards a better future for the rain forests of Indonesia and Malaysia. Find out more at these sites: