The Fluoridinator
Jeff Welch 0

The Fluoridinator

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Sodium Fluoride was first used in Nazi concentration camps so that Stalin could use ONE-TENTH of his officers to keep the prisoners docile, confused, and thus controlled easier. Fluoride in toothpaste/mouthwash MIGHT help prevent tooth decay, but only because the Fluoride replaces the decaying chemicals ( In drinking water, Sodium Fluoride actually harms the teeth and does nothing whatsoever to prevent tooth decay ( Despite the debate, it is added without public consent, when Sodium Fluoride consumption should be a CHOICE! "I know of absolutely no, and I mean absolutely no means of prevention that would save so many lives as simply to stop fluoridation of our water supply. In point in fact, fluoride causes more cancer death, and causes it faster than any other chemical." - Dr Dean Burk - Ph D, 34 Years at the National Cancer Institute. Mission Objective: Get Sodium Fluoride out of public water supply (drinking AND showering) immediately and forever, and to allow for prosecution of any party participating in public Fluoride distribution without public consent.

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