The Fight Club - Fighting for Our Nation In Prayer! "Take 5"
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!

people have signed. Add your voice!

1- We are looking for 1000 People to Commit to "Praying 5 Minutes Per Day for Our Nation and its Leaders", beginning September 1 through December 29, 2017.Once you sign this PRAYER PETITION we will send an outline for you to follow. It's Time to Fight for FREEDOM, FAIRNESS, DEMOCRACY, PEACE and DOMESTIC TRANQUILITY, AND THE SOULS OF ALL MANKIND....IN PRAYER!
*JOIN THE FIGHT CLUB @ fb.me/Prayer4Nation
NOTE" ipetiton does NOT save your email address or any personal information. To be placed in our Group Mailing system(to receive our "Take 5" Power Point of Prayer Handout", PLEASE email rfl@thewinningimage.net to request a copy OR join The Fight Club on Facebook. Thank you! RWFL